Product Categories
Projector lamp and parts
Green House Light
UV Lamp
Airfield Lighting
Medical Lighting
Train Lighting
Stage & Studio Lighting
General Lighting
Fishing Lamp
Other Speciality Lighting
Speciality Lamps & Cinema Products Digital Xenon Lamps, Digital Mercury Lamps, Filter, Engineering Projector Lamps
Speciality Lamps & Cinema Products Digital Xenon Lamps, Digital Mercury Lamps, Filter, Engineering Projector Lamps
Stage & Studio Lighting
Funhouse is the stage and studio halogen lamp supplier and manufacturer from china. We have 15 years of experience in producing and selling stage and studio halogen lamp. At present, we have become the global leading producer of stage and studio halogen lamp. Our stage and studio halogen lamps use high-purity xenon and high-quality quartz, which makes our stage and studio halogen lamps have good product quality, high lumen output and excellent lighting effect. The accurate color temperature of halogen lamps on the stage and in the studio can make your eyes more comfortable.
As a stage and studio halogen lamp supplier, we can provide perfect after-sales service for stage and studio halogen lamps. And we provide ODM and OEM services. At present, our stage and studio halogen lamps have passed the CE, UKCA, BARCO, SONY, NEC, IMAX and ISO 9001 quality system certification. We can not only guarantee the quality of stage and studio halogen lamp, but also provide customers with low prices.